@extends('admin.layouts.main') @section('panel')
@include('admin.partials.filter', [ 'is_filter' => false, 'is_modal' => false, ])
@foreach([ [ 'title' => __('General'), 'icon' => "las la-cog", 'route' => 'admin.general.index', 'description' => __('Explore and manage various basic settings in the General section.'), ], [ 'title' => __('Theme Change Setting'), 'icon' => 'las la-history', 'route' => 'admin.theme.index', 'description' => __('Modify the theme settings to customize the appearance of your system.'), ], [ 'title' => __('System Configuration'), 'icon' => "las la-cogs", 'route' => 'admin.setting.system.configuration', 'description' => __('System configuration, such as updating all site system settings, needs to be done.'), ], [ 'title' => __('Commission & Charges'), 'icon' => "las la-file-invoice-dollar", 'route' => 'admin.setting.commissions.charge', 'description' => __('Settings related to commissions and charges for transactions on the platform.'), ], [ 'title' => __('KYC Configuration'), 'icon' => "las la-user-check", 'route' => 'admin.setting.kyc', 'description' => __('Configuration settings for managing Know Your Customer (KYC) processes.'), ], [ 'title' => __('Plugin Configuration'), 'icon' => "las la-puzzle-piece", 'route' => 'admin.plugin.index', 'description' => __('Configuration settings for managing various plugins integrated into the platform.'), ], [ 'title' => __('System Information'), 'icon' => "las la-cogs", 'route' => 'admin.setting.system', 'description' => __('Settings related to the PHP version and other environmental configurations for the platform.'), ], [ 'title' => __('Automation'), 'icon' => "las la-magic", 'route' => 'admin.setting.automation', 'description' => __('Settings for automation processes, such as cron jobs and backup automation on the platform.'), ], [ 'title' => __('Manage Language'), 'icon' => "las la-language", 'route' => 'admin.language.index', 'description' => __('Enhance the content settings of the translation site to include support for multiple languages and contributions..'), ], [ 'title' => __('System Update'), 'icon' => "lab la-ubuntu", 'route' => 'admin.setting.update', 'description' => __('Check your system thoroughly to ensure that all necessary updates are applied.'), ], ] as $item)
{{ $item['title'] }}

{{ $item['description'] }}

@lang('Change Setting')